4 Weeks & counting – The Petzl Run

Heather Samson

4 Weeks & counting – The Petzl Run

The Petzl Night Run is just over 4 weeks away and this weekend is the New Forest Half Marathon with the running club …

my training is going ok (ish) I have tried legs and tight knees, that I have seen the physio about, otherwise its ok … my weight is still not at race weight and I had hoped that by the half marathon I would be there. I have found it harder to lose those few kgs than I thought it would, but I will get there, as I tell my clients we don’t give up, so

10th September – 13 miles

17th September – 15 miles

24th September – 15 miles

1st October – 10 miles

7th October – Petzl Night Race

I’m adding in a swim per week to help take the impact off the legs and help with the breathing, I’m also including an extra yoga session, to add stretching and focus.

Following a plan is important, it gives us structure and meaning to what we are doing, but it is equally important to listen to your body and adapt the programme if needed. I’m still doing the running and the weights, I just need to look after my little body too ?

If you have a trainer (me for example) it is important to discuss how you are feeling and the best way to keep on track, slight injuries can come up, fatigue can also be an issue. If you don’t have a trainer, find someone you trust and ask them. Check it out on a forum, for example RunnersWorld – www.runnerworld.co.uk

The next thing is to ensure that your diet is right for the goal and for you … my normal eating patterns have not been working, so I have had to reassess my eating habits. You might find that as your training changes so does your eating. Food is fuel we all need it, it should be balanced, nutritional and right for you, but it should be enjoyable too.

One of the things I love about training for an event is the structure that it gives me, it focuses me, I ensure that all elements are covered because I want to be the best that I can be … but don’t be so focused that you can’t adapt, and therefore be even better and achieve even more

Once the Petzl Night Trail Race is completed, I have a number of 10K Races with the next big (ish) race in January the Benfleet 15 miles trail run, this gives me time to rest, recover and get going again