Christmas, Clients, Training

Body Solutions

Christmas, Clients, Training

I am very lucky that I have a job that I enjoy, I get to help people achieve their goals. Even if at times I’m sure that my clients quietly want to kill me ? With the holidays fast approaching it has been lovely to see so many achieving their goals, but also new clients joining.

I have one lady who has just finished and she has worked so hard, it has been a pleasure to train her. I know that we will continue into 2014. I also have someone about to embark on their first half marathon, not only had this person only start running a year ago, but we celebrated his 64th birthday.

To say that I love my job would be an understatement, however I do know that 90% off that is down to the people that I train and those that support me.

So regardless of how you train or who trains you, loving it and having great support is so important. I can’t wait to help more achieve in 2014 and they help me achieve too.

If you have a story to tell then please comment here, it would be great to hear from you.

Thanks All, Heather your Personal Body Coach, Body Solutions