07 Jan Happy New year
Hello All
Well 2014 is well and truly underway, I have finally finished all the sweets, chocolates and mince pies and now I have to be good.
As a Personal Body Coach it is really important that I practice what I preach, so i have been running and getting those HIIT sessions in, and I am now trying to get back to that healthy eating. This can be difficult as your body is now craving those foods that continued a lot of sugar and fats, and now we are trying to wean it off again. So don’t beat yourself up if you find this difficult, even the best of us do.
I help me beat this I have lots of fruit, mainly berries, apples, a few oranges and that banana, I also have a few nuts and dried fruits waiting in my bag. Then for those hard moments I have also added fruit slices and oat cakes, these will reduce as I get ‘stronger’.
I am also writting down what I am writing as it is harder to lie to yourself when it is written in black and white in front of you, so don’t cheat that diary.
So have you got any great tips? If so why don’t you add your comments.